Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love? Pah.

If you ask my opinion (and you do just by reading this), love doesn't exist.

Attraction? Yes. Infatuation? Most definitely. But love? I have my doubts.
I believe that two people can care deeply for each other, but it's not transcending. They may remain happy for a time, but boredom will set in.
Human beings are not biologically monogamous.
That whole 'soul mate' thing is a bunch of crap. It's a nice thought, a cute little story, that someone out there will complete you, but it's just a story.

Everybody can't keep holding out for that person, he (or she) doesn't exist. Just settle.
Or, you know, don't.

That's why I don't do relationships. They don't last, and I just end up hurting the other person.
I've got my friends, I'm not that lonely.

So everybody just needs to shut up about how I need a boyfriend. Society can kiss my ass.

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